Next Generation Silicone Rubber Insulators
Market Analysis, Product Design, & High Voltage Testing
By: Rajkumar Padmawar, Kavin Darshan Sakthi Bhuvan, Dennis Hore
The following program contains topics discussed in a lecture conducted by Rajkumar Padmawar regarding environmental factors causing erosion and loss of hydrophobicity in silicone rubber insulators.

Market Analysis: Increase in investments within Distribution Systems within Europe and the United States from 2021/2022
Product Design: Industry problems & ASAsoft™ solutions & ways to enhance product value
High Voltage Testing: Tracking Wheel (ASAInsuTrack707+™), thermal imaging during testing processes
In the link below, Rajkumar shares further details of environmental factors such as heat, moisture, UV, pollution, and electrical stress.
For the full 20-minute lecture, click here.