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Tools development: Manufacturing lightweight composite insulators for electricity distribution and rail systems
Award Summary: Causes of electromagnetic noise in a wide range of frequencies, including the radio-frequency (RF) range used for Wi-Fi, cellphone, internet, radio and TV transmission. RF-disruption near power lines is currently a nuisance in many urban areas. Smart grids for more efficient energy usage, as well as roadway signalling and other city planning for the future rely on increasing rates of…
Article: Design and Construction of an Advanced Tracking Wheel for Insulator Materials Testing
Authors: Harrison P. Fletcher, Andrew Macdonald, Chris Secord, Mark Lenckowski, Rajkumar Padmawar, Dennis K. Hore Journal: Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Publication Date: FALL 2020 Volume: 43, Issue: 4 On Page(s): 342-349 Print ISSN: 0840-8688 Online ISSN: 0840-8688 Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/CJECE.2020.3005092 This account details the design and construction of a sophisticated tracking wheel for the…
Surface Structural Characterization of Polymer Composite Insulators for Improved Weather Resistance
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Finalist for Innovation Excellence for Hardware
Victoria Tech Community Awards Listing Event Date: December 8, 2022 Victoria, BC Globally, transmission energy losses are approximately 8% of the total power transmitted – equating to over 13,000 TWh. Reducing these losses by even 0.1% with superior insulator technology could result in emission reductions of 4+ million tonnes of CO2e – equivalent to the CO2e emissions from 450 million gallons of gasoline. Our…
An automated image analysis platform for the study of weakly – adhered cells
Abstract Details of the design and implementation of an open-source platform for studying the adhesion of cells attached to solid substrata are provided. The hardware is based on a laser-cut flow channel connected to a programmable syringe pump. The software automates all aspects of the flow rate profile, data acquisition and image analysis. An example…